Our Model


Our Mission

The AgriSecura model gives a helping hand to small companies who lack sufficient capital to expand their operations, but already have strong management and expertise in place. With our investment and expert advice, small farmers are able to modernise and grow their operations, allowing them to reach a wider customer-base. In partnership with AgriSecura, farmers are able to enhance food security in their local communities, ensuring a better future for all.

With a mission to improve global food security, our investments are assessed on each potential partner’s ability to provide exports during times of food scarcity; this allows us to support local communities during crises. We have a global mandate to invest in existing companies, and establish joint ventures with leading local producers of proteins, grains, dairy, and edible oils.

In developing countries, with food import/export imbalances, the first 20% due to AgriSecura is held back to support local markets. A significant proportion of all net profits are put back into farming communities to support training, education, healthcare, and community development.

Our Process

With specific expertise in the agriculture sector, our strategic advisory board takes a holistic ‘bottom-up approach’ to identifying and assessing opportunities. After committee approval, deals are negotiated using internal expertise and external advisors; they are then funded through an efficient SVP structure, with debt and equity to optimise tax jurisdiction and limit liability. In order to safeguard our investments and partners, we do not make direct land purchases in countries that do not support international legal arbitration. AgriSecura also makes only limited investments in greenfield projects.

We see ongoing involvement and support as key for helping farmers improve their operations. We remain involved in management decisions with a focus on financial best practices and, where appropriate, obtain representation on the board of directors.


Social Responsibility

AgriSecura’s management team are dedicated to corporate social responsibility, and believe in giving back to local communities. With this in mind, we reinvest a significant amount of our profits into community outreach projects. Strong communities lead to strong farmers. Strong farmers, in turn, lead back to strong communities.

We believe that education is key to ensuring future food security, and our outreach investments help farmers improve their skills through training programmes.

AgriSecura also invests strongly in technologies aimed at improving yield, water conservation, food processing, storage, and transportation, contributing to a more secure future. We’re also committed to reducing dependency on chemical fertilisers and pesticides, promoting environmentally friendly farming.